Wednesday 14 December 2016

Rogue One- A Star Wars Story -A Superb sci-fi fiction movie

This is a Star Wars Movie season, so if you are a fan of this movie, you will get a lot of stuff to read and hear about it. The initial Star Wars offshoot breaks through like lightsaber – quick and appropriately efficient, continuing to fill in the details of Star Wars space universe for those who are a fan of this series. 

Rogue One a Star wars Story is based on a unique storyline unlike to previous version- The Force Awakens however the traffic may come up in a similar sense. Jyn Erso is a beautiful warrior, Cassian Andor, a robot with an acerbic humor, K-2SO and other engaging characters. 

So, it doesn’t appear like a new creation or funny like The Force Awakens. Saving the troublemaking Jyn Erso from a royal labor camp, the Alliance expects to get in touch of her separated father Galen. Under the strict supervision of ruthless and dedicated kingdom executive Orson Krennic, Galen plays a major role in the development of Death Star however for Jyns, he is still a good person. 

Teaming up with her on this vast mission, someone who will certainly find them stealing the plans, is Rebel intelligence executive Cassian Andor and K-SO, an automatic Imperial droid with a clean streak in backtalk. Other characters present in the movie are blind swordsman, Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus who suggest the experience of a heavy duty blaster. 

Although the main characters are new, director Edwords has made it sure that there are sufficient nods to the series to excite the fans. From the consideration of an AT-AT Walker aflame to a comeback to the Death Star base on Yavin 4 to some sizzling cameo looks that are outstanding, Rogue One is certainly like a version of Star Wars movie, although it is coarser and more battle oriented. The fight has never occurred all of a sudden. 

Jones shows a sentimental heart in another story about fathers and kids, a common theme of Star Wars films, however whether it is a stupendous menacing Mendelsohn or Yen, the spirit of the movie is really fantastic and the performances are excellent.

Rogue One reminds us of the lost things for example some kind of involved sincerity that excels even with the worst elements. The director Gareth Edwards also feels some troubles, he had also directed a marvel Godzilla. A group of four screenwriters has made Star Wars a war movie which is a basic flaw. The movie is all about fight of good against evil, about extensive struggle to bring the light in the gloomy world. 

The things are flowing as they should. A girl is a center of the movie. Jyn is caught into a complicated situation. She loses her father who was a scientist working with popular rebel ties and Empire so his real compassion is unknown. Although, the Empire is creating a super weapon, a Planet Killer that is described as a Death Star. 

The Star Wars movie is in problem with its beginning, but it is overall a good film.

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